Look Around you little bastards !
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Come on and look at this page, you know you want to !

Here's what I think...

Life to me .....

I think that why do we even bother with life like everyone else... I mean were gonna die anywayz everybody does !! But i do want to share what life i have to live with my ex-boyfriend kenny because i love him very very much even though we are no longer together.. :( 'sigh'

My opinion is ....

I think that lowlife bitches who can't do anything right are just little peices of shit !!! ( BUT IM TALKING ABOUT MYSELF )

My Opinion on being alive ......

Why are we here? That is the ? my mind ask me everyday. But really i cant answer it because really i dont even know why we are here there is nothing really to life unless your like the kind of people who worry about every least littlest thing that goes on or happens to you or someone else.
But really i hate people like that, they get on my nerves !

Do you agree or disagree with my beliefs and opinions? Well if you agree then contact me and tell me why or tell me your opinion, if not then good luck with your perfect little life !!
